2016. Thai garden restaurant, Alicante, Spain.
Thai garden restaurant. San Juan Playa . Alicante (2016)

Model frontal view.
Eating in a garden.
The experience of eating in a restaurant is not only to taste the pleasure of food, core issue in the success of this company, but also to feel the light and see the landscape that suit the evening. Therefore, the main idea of our project is that the evening occurs within a garden.

Site plan. San Juan Playa. Alicante.

The restaurant is on the first floor.

Model general view.
General plan.

The solar protection could change during the day.

When we walked through the restaurant terrace, we enter into a warm space surrounded by a lush garden. The garden filters the intense sunlight of Alicante, creating an atmosphere in shadow, dense and green, on a background of warm wood. In the tables, located next to the garden, you enjoy the food and the scenery around the restaurant entirely. The heart of the garden is the kitchen.
The final design tastes like this: