2010. Urban waterfront, Asunción, Paraguay.
Urban waterfront. Asunción. Paraguay. (2010)

Under the almost hypnotic influence of the Paraguay river, the road superstructure mimics the flow of the water and distributed trafficking parallel to the water surface.

Four streets begin at Bicentennial Park and temporarily end up in General Santos Avenue, the last of the big toes that structure the Great Asuncion.

This structure of wide streets continue along the coast of Asuncion, accompanying the construction of the Costanera Avenue, bordering the Pytá lagoon, crossing the creek Mburicao to the Botanical Garden to connect with the Transchaco route; thus completing a coastal tour of 8700 meters.

Urban intensity increases toward the water, at the same time the porosity does.

Terrace Houses
Courtyard Houses
Block of Flats
Corridor Houses
Distribuidor Houses